Announcements + Invitations

Announcements and invitations mark important events and moments, affording the opportunity for a compelling, tactile and visual experience for posterity. From concept development, paper and envelope selection, to the final production method, custom solutions are provided to meet the demands and budget of the occasion.

Services Provided

  • Concept Development
  • Art Direction
  • Visual Design
  • Typeface Design
  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • Print Production
  • Print Management
Pandemic black and white graduation announcement card featuring image of student cropped in a circle. Detail of 2020 typographic treatment on Pandemic black and white graduation announcement card. Custom letterforms for students intended major in 'biology' at university the next year. Graduation announcement card featuring custom letterforms for intended minor in 'genetics' in front of a gene sequence image. Black envelope with 2020 logo screen printed on the back side in white ink.
Front of trifold 'join us inder the sea' birthday party invitation for three year old, beginning a descent under water. Detail of partially opend trifold card, featuring sunked statue of Prince Erik from the 'Little Mermaid'. Shallow depth of field detail shot of Ariel swimming to the surface. Detail shot of Ariel swimming to the surface with king triton in the background on interior of card.
Front of birth announcement card with custom letterforms 'E', 'W', 'A'. Detail shot of the planet Mars and Aries constellation. New born image cropped in red circle with out of focus type. Cropped image of birth date featuring custom sans-serif letterforms
Cover of graduation card, featuring illustration rippling water and bubbles. Interior spread of graduation card. Shallow deppth of field image of Dinner Invitaion card insert. Custom hand made envelope

+ Invitations

Announcements and invitations mark important events and moments, affording the opportunity for a compelling, tactile and visual experience for posterity. From concept development, paper and envelope selection, to the final production method, custom solutions are provided to meet the demands and budget of the occasion.

Services Provided

  • Concept Development
  • Art Direction
  • Visual Design
  • Typeface Design
  • Photography
  • Illustration
  • Print Production
  • Print Management